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Jahr: 1940
ArtikelNr. 9926



Message in a bottle 1940! Flaschenpost Kanada-Frankreich. Kleine Akte mit Briefen und Briefentwürfen. Thema ist ein Schreiben, das ein deutscher Soldat Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges (1944 oder 1945) an der französischen Küste fand. 1947 schrieb er dann dem kanadischen Absender.

- Originales Flaschenpost-Schreiben, undatiert: "June 28th, If anyone happens to find this message please write to Allan Hadad, 359 Montrose Ave, Toronto Ontario Canada."
- 10.7.1947, Durchschlag des Briefes, den der Finder, Erich Dietz aus München, nach Kanada geschrieben hatte: "After returning now from P.o.W.-Captivity, this is one of my first letters I am writing. You will hardly imagine in which way I got your adress. ... When this terrible war ended, and while I was staying at the coast of France, I perceived one day on the shore a little corked bottle. When opening, I found inside your message and your adress. ... For more than 4 years this small bottle was floating and romping about in the ocean, after it had been put on the way .. on 28.June 1940. ..."
- Letter, written by Hadad, 7.10.1947, now he lives in Chicago. Plus photo and original envelope.
- Copy of Dietz` 2nd letter to Hadad, dat. 2.12.1947..
- Hadad's 2nd letter, dat. 31.12.1947. "I am a radio operator for the Trans World Airline at Chicago Airport"...
- Handwritten scetch of Dietz' 3rd letter, dat. 23.3.1948.

(c) Ingo Hugger  2020 |