> Militaria
> 1939-1945
> Dokumente
Jahr: |
1945 |
Bemerkung: |
ArtikelNr. |
9151 |
Alpenfestung! Duty Honor Country. Kompanie-Zeitung 7.4.1945, US-Army
Titelzeile: “No.70. Duty Honor, Country. 513.I (?) Food (Poof?) and Patte.., 7. April 1945, D+305“. Typoskript, hastig vervielfältigt und schlecht lesbar. Größe aufgeklappt ca. 51x24cm, falzig, fleckig, sonst gut.
Berichtet wird von „R/S Company“ und der „A-B-C Company“. Dazu „History of the Corps of Engineers Part XVIII“. Dann “Daily Intelligence” und “Latest news flashes”. Ausgiebig zitiert wird ein (deutscher?) Soldat namens Gerhard Wagner: “I have little doubt, that the resistance of the Germany armed forces … is going to collapse completely within the next few day. [sic] … We ourselves have not met any fighting units whatever since leaving the Altenkirchen/Westerwarl [sic] some three weeks ago … except for the SS-reserve-units (Hohenstaufen etc.) which were then billeted in the surrounding villages. … There are well-grounded rumours that the Nazi party elite as such may withdraw to Obersalzberg which is said to have been built into one of the strongest fortresses ever and is supposedly manned by several SS-divisions with enough ammunition, food and other supplies to last to three to four five years…. The fortifications are to include every modern military device, incl. rocket sites and even newer and so far untried weapons. … …. ….”
(c) Ingo Hugger 2020 |